Prince Louis Ferdinand killed by Sergeant
			Guindet, Oct. 10th 1806, picture by R. Knötel


I want to make here some rare source easier accessible, especially the German Napoleonic literature. You will find memoirs & biographies, Orders of Battle and two tables of contents: firstly the German collectors´ magazin "Die Zinnfigur" (1924-43) and secondly, Richard Knötel´s "Notes on the History of the Military Costume" (1892-1921). This offer is in some sense complementary to other Napoleonic sources on the net, see below.

Special thanks to Fons Libert (see Napoleon Series) and John Schneider (Napoleonic Literature) - their web sites were a big inspiration for me. Credits to Rolf Eckstein who designed this site, too!

Copyright ©1998-2004, Thomas Hemmann. All rights reserved.

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