OOB Baden Troops for the Austrian
Campaign, March 1809
Source: Wilhelm v. Baden: Denkwürdigkeiten des Markgrafen Wilhelm v. Baden 1792 – 1818, Vol. 1 (no more published), Ed. K. Obser, Heidelberg, Carl Winter´s Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1906, p. 62f
Conceived for the Web by Thomas Hemmann © 2000. See also my home page www.Napoleonzeit.de.
Comments and corrections are welcome !
ADC aide-de-camp Batl. battalion Batt. battery Col. colonel |
Esc. esquadron Gren. grenadier Huss. Hussars IR infantry regt. |
Ltn. lieutenant Maj. major Regt. regiment Squad. squadroon |
NB. The Baden troops belong to Marshal Massena´s Corps. Count Hochberg (i.e., Wilhelm von Baden) became ADC of Massena. The other ADC´s were (p. 65): Maj. St. Croix, Chefs de Esc. Casa-Bianca and Campy, Cap. Pelet, Pariset, Loverdo, Ltn. Renique, Count Prosper Massena (son of the marshal), Despenoux, Porcher, de Baral, d´Aguesseau, after Marshal Lannes´ death: Chef de Esc. Marbot.
Commanding General: GM v. Harrant
ADC: Ltn. v. Preen (Huss. Rgt.)
Chief of Staff: Col.-Ltnt. V. Franken
Staff: Maj. V. Killinger, Cap. v. Weinzierl
IR Großherzog, 2 Batl.
IR Erbgroßherzog, 2 Batl.
IR Graf v. Hochberg, 2 Batl.
Light Infantry Batl.
Dragoon Regt. v. Freystedt, 4 Squad.
1 Batt. Foot Artillery
½ Batt. Horse Artillery
Total: ca. 6.000 men (according to the records: 6.937)