Order of Battle of the VIII. (Westphalian) Corps of the Grande Armée, August 1812

Additional info:

(cited after Gieße, F. Kassel - Moskau - Küstrin 1812 - 1813. Tagebuch während des russischen Feldzuges geführt. Leipzig, Verlag der Dykschen Buchhandlung, 1912, pp. 69-80)

Conceived for the Web by Thomas Hemmann © 2001. See also my home page.

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Batl.    Battalion

Batt.    Battery

Cap.   Captain

Col.     Colonel

Comp.            Company

Cuir.    Cuirassier

GdB    General de             Brigade

GdD    General de             Division

Gren. Grenadier

HQ      Head Quarter

Huss. Hussar

Inf.       Infantry

Ltn.      Lieutenant

Maj.     Major

Regt.   Regiment Squad.            Squadroon

NB The King of Westphalia left the army on 16th July, together with his Garde du Corps.

Commanding General (since 30th July): GdD Junot, Duke of Abrantes (French)

1st (23rd) Division, GdD Tharreau

1st Brigade, GdB Damas

III. Light Inf. Batl., Ltn. Col. v. Hesberg (Heßberg)

2. Inf. Regt., 2 Batl., Col. Baron v. Füllgraf

6. Inf. Regt., 2 Batl., Col. Ruelle

2nd Brigade, GdB Count v. Wickenberg

II. Light Inf. Batl., Ltn. Col. Boedicker

3. Inf. Regt., 2 Batl., Col. Bernard

7. Inf. Regt., 2 Batl., Col. Lageon

2nd (24st) Division, Lieutenant General von Ochs

1st Brigade, GdB Legras

Guard Gren. Batl., Col. Legras

Guard Chasseur Batl., Maj. Picot

Chasseur Carabiniers d´Elite Batl., Maj. Müldner

2nd Brigade, GdB Borstel

I. Light Inf. Batl., Ltn. Col. v. Rauschenplatt

5. Inf. Regt., 2 Batl., Col. Gissot

Total of infantry: 12.420 men

Corps Cavalry, GdD Chabert

24th Brigade, GdB Baron v. Hammerstein

1. Huss. Regt., Col. v. Zandt

2. Huss. Regt., Col. v. Hesberg (Heßberg)

Guard Brigade, GdB Wolf

Guard Chevauxlegers Regt., Col. Müller

(The Heavy Cavalry Brigade with the 1st and 2nd Westphalian Cuirassier Regiments became part of the 7th Cuirassier Division, GdD Lorge, of the IV. Cavalry Corps, GdD Latour-Maubourg.)

Total of cavalry: 1.810 men, 1.900 horses

Artillery and Genie, GdD Allix

Artillery Regt., 4 Foot and 2 Horse Comp. (= Batt.), Col. v. Pfuhl

Genie Corps, Col. Ulliac

1 Comp. Sappers

4 Comp. Train

Artisans Detachment

Reserve Park, Ltn. Col. Schulz

Total of artillery and genie: 121 engineers, 509 FAB men, 250 FAB train men, 525 FAB horses, 67 HAB men, 46 HAB train men, 146 HAB horses

Total of baggage train: 170 men, 450 horses

Grand Total (17th August): 15.393 men, 3.021 horses