Order of Battle of the Austrian Army in Italy (Innerösterreichische Armee), 16th August 1813

(cited after Colonel Georg Freiherr v. Goltz: "Die innerösterreichische Armee 1813 und 1814", Vol. 4 of "1813-1815 Österreich in den Befreiungskriegen", Ed. General Emil v. Woinowitsch, A. Edlinger`s Verlag, Vienna and Leipzig, 1912, p. 3-5)

Conceived for the Web by Thomas Hemmann © 1999

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Batl.    Battalion

Batt.    Battery

Col.     Colonel

Drag.  Dragoon Regt.


FML    Feld-Marschall-Leutnant

FZM             Feldzeugmeister

Gen.    General

GM      Major-General

Gren.  Grenadier

Huss.  Hussar Regt.

Inf.       Infantry

Ltn.-Col. Lieutenant-Colonel

Maj.     Major

Pd.      Pound

Regt.   Regiment

Squad.            Squadroon

Commander: FZM Johann Freiherr v. Hiller

I. Right Wing

Brigade GM Aaron v. Stanissavljevich (3.000 men), near Ischl

2nd Szekler Frontier Regt. Nr. 15, 1 Batl.

2nd Walachian Frontier Regt. Nr. 17, 1 Batl.

Frimont Huss. Nr. 9, 2 Squad.

3 pieces (3 Pd.)

Main Corps of the Army, FZM Johann Freiherr v. Hiller, in and near Klagenfurt

Chief of Staff: GM Richter v. Bienenthal

Chief of Artillery: GM Smola

Chief of Genie: GM Pechy

Brigade GM Ludwig v. Ekhardt (3.000 men, under direct command of Hiller), near Spital at the Drau river and Gmünd (as connection to the right wing)

Jäger Batl. Nr. 8

Szekler Frontier Regt. Nr. 15, 1 Batl.

Frimont Huss. Nr. 9, 4 Squad.

3 pieces (3 Pd.)

Division FML v. Marschall

Brigade GM Timotheus v. Winzian

Inf. Regt. Duka Nr. 39, 2 Batl.

Inf. Regt. Jellachich Nr. 53, 2 Batl.

1 Batt. / 6 pieces (6 Pd.)

Division FML Baron Frimont

Brigade GM Franz v. Blasits

Jäger Batl. Nr. 9

Peterwardeiner Frontier Regt. Nr. 9, 1 Batl.

Stipsizc Huss. Nr. 10, 6 Squad.

1 "Cavalry" Batt. / 6 pieces

Brigade GM Ferdinand Pulsky v. Csetfalva

Hohenlohe-Bartenstein Inf. Regt. Nr. 26, 4 Batl.

Stipsics Huss. Nr. 10, 2 Squad.

1 Batt. / 6 pieces (6 Pd.)

Cavalry Brigade GM Count August Becsey v. Hajnacskeö

Merveldt Uhlans Nr. 1, 6 Squad.

Erzherzog Karl Uhlans Nr. 3, 6 Squad.

Division FML Franz v. Marziani

Brigade GM Josef Ritter v. Mayer

Inf. Regt. Reisky Nr. 10, 3 Batl.

Inf. Regt. Chasteler Nr. 27, 4 Batl.

1 Batt. / 6 pieces (6 Pd.)

Division FML Marquis Sommariva

Grenadier Brigade GM Josef Freiherr v. Stutterheim

Gren. Batl. Maj. Count Karl Welpsberg, Division 16, 26, 27

Gren. Batl. Ltn.-Col. Alois Faber v. Weinau, Division 48, 52

Gren. Batl. Maj. Josef Freiherr Purcelle de Roreston, Division 31 ?, 51

1 Batt. / 6 pieces (6 Pd.)

Cavalry Brigade GM Georg Freiherr v. Wrede

Hohenlohe Drag. Nr. 2, 4 Squad.

Savoyen Drag. Nr. 5, 6 Squad.

Sum: 21 Batl. / 28 Squad. (17.000 men)

Brigade GM Josef Ritter v. Fölfeis (3.000 men, under direct command of Hiller), near Cilli (as connection to the left wing)

Broder Frontier Regt. Nr. 7, 1 Batl.

Lusignan Inf. Regt. Nr. 16, 2 Batl.

Radetzky Huss. Nr. 5, 2 Squad.

1/2 Batt. / 3 pieces

II. Left Wing

Division FML Paul v. Radivojevich, in and near Agram (9.000 men)

Brigade GM August Freiherr Csivich v. Rohr

Inf. Regt. Erzherzog Franz Karl Nr. 52, 1 Batl.

Warasdiner Kreutzer Frontier Regt. Nr. 5, 1 Batl.

Warasdiner St. Georg Frontier Regt. Nr. 6, 1 Batl.

Brigade GM Rebrovich

Inf. Regt. Erzherzog Franz Karl Nr. 52, 2 Batl.

Gradiskaner Frontier Regt. Nr. 8, 1 Batl.

Cavalry Brigade GM Count Laval v. Nugent

Radetzky Huss. Nr. 5, 4 Squad.

1/2 Batt. / 3 pieces (3 Pd.)

1 "Positions" Batt. / 6 pieces (6 Pd.)

Army Artillery Reserve, 72 pieces, Klagenfurt

Total: 34 Batl. / 40 Squad. (ca. 35.000 men), 120 pieces