Order of the IV. Prussian Corps, August 1813

(cited after "Erinnerungen aus dem Leben des General-Feldmarschalls Hermann v. Boyen", Aus seinem Nachlaß im Auftrag der Familie herausgegeben von Friedrich Nippold, Erstausgabe Verlag von S. Hirzel, Leipzig, 1888/89, Beilage 52)

Conceived for the Web by Thomas Hemmann © 1999

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Batl.    Batallion

Col.     Colonel

Div.     Division

Gen.    General

GM      General Major

Inf.       Infantry Regt.

Ltn.      Lieutenant

Pomm.            Pommeranian

Pruss. Prussian

Pd.      Pound

Regt.   Regiment

Res.    Reserve Inf.

Squad.            Squadroon(s)

Sil.      Silesian


[This army corps had a different structure than the three others: I. / Yorck, II. / Kleist, III. / Bülow. The IV. corps was designated for fortress sieges and consisted mainly of Landwehr troops. Nevertheless it took part - together with Bülow´s corps - in the battles of Groß Beeren, 23rd August, and Dennewitz, 6th September 1813, both won by the Prussians against the French Army of Berlin under Oudinot respectively Ney. Tauentzien got later the honor name Tauentzien von Wittenberg - from a Saxonian fortress at the river Elbe, which he conquered. TH]

IV. Army Corps, Gen.-Ltn. Tauentzien

1st Observation-Corps of Magdeburg, Gen.-Ltn. v. Hirschfeld

1st Res., 4 Batl., 3.200 men

Kurmärkische Landwehr-Brigade v. Bredow, 4 Batl., 3.200 men

Kurmärkische Landwehr-Brigade v. Rohr, 4 Batl., 3.200 men

Kurmärkische Landwehr-Brigade v. Bismarck [relative of the later Reichskanzler. TH], 4 Batl., 3.200 men

Kurmärkische Landwehr Cavalry, 8 Squad., 800 men / horses

1 Batt. from Colberg (6 Pd.), 130 men

Total: 12.780 men / 800 horses

2nd Observation-Corps of Niederelbe [Lower Elbe], GM v. Puttlitz

Kurmärkische Landwehr-Brigade v. Marwitz, 4 Batl., 3.200 men

Kurmärkische Landwehr-Brigade v. Boguslawsky, 4 Batl., 3.200 men

Kurmärkische Landwehr Cavalry, 4 Squad., 550 men / horses

1/2 Batt. from Colberg (6 Pd.), 65 men

Total: 7.015 men / 550 horses

3rd Blockade-Corps of Küstrin, GM v. Hinrichs

Neumärkische Landwehr, 4 Batl., 2.766 men

East Pruss. Landwehr, 3 Batl., 2.385 men

East Pruss. Landwehr, 3 Batl., 2.411 men

East Pruss. Landwehr Cavalry, 2 Squad., 200 men / horses

1 Batt. from Colberg, 139 men

Total: 7.901 men / 200 horses [In the original: 206 horses. TH]

(From this corps the garnisons of Frankfurt / Oder, Crossen and Landsberg were detached.)

4th Blockade-Corps of Stettin, GM v. Plötz

Pomm. Landwehr-Div., 12 Batl., 8.588 men

8th Res., 3 Batl., 2.400 men

Pomm. Landwehr Cavalry, 4 Squad., 291 men / horses

2 English Batt. (6 Pd.), 278 men

Total: 11.557 men / 291 horses

5th Corps of Oder, Gen.-Ltn. v. Wobeser

Neumärkische Landwehr, 4 Batl., 2.583 men

West Pruss. Landwehr, 4 Batl., 2.61 men

West Pruss. Landwehr Cavalry, 3 Squad., 180 men / horses

1 Batt. from East Pruss. (6 Pd.), 139 men

Total: 5.516 men / 1800 horses

5th Reserve-Corps of Berlin, ? [Probably Col. v. Dobschütz. TH]

3rd Res., 4 Batl., 3.200 men

Kurmärkische Landwehr-Brigade v. Borstell, 4 Batl., 3.200 men

Neumärkische Landwehr-Brigade, 4 Batl., 2.808 men

Niederschlesische (Sil.) Landwehr-Brigade v. Dobschütz, 4 Batl., 3.000 men

Neumärkische Landwehr Cavalry, 4 Squad., 400 men / horses

East Pruss. Landwehr Cavalry, 4 Squad., 400 men / horses

1 Foot Batt. from Berlin (6 Pd.), 139 men

1/2 Foot Batt. from Colberg (6 Pd.), 65 men

Total: 13.212 men / 800 horses

Total of the 4th Corps: 57.981 men / 2.821 horses