Order of Battle of the Austrian Army in
Italy (Innerösterreichische Armee), ca. 11th February 1814
(cited after Colonel Georg Freiherr v. Goltz: "Die innerösterreichische Armee 1813 und 1814", Vol. 4 of "1813-1815 Österreich in den Befreiungskriegen", Ed. General Emil v. Woinowitsch, A. Edlinger`s Verlag, Vienna and Leipzig, 1912, p. 111-114)
Conceived for the Web by Thomas Hemmann © 1999
Comments and corrections are welcome !
Batl. Battalion Col. Colonel Comp. Company Drag. Dragoon Regt.
FML Field-Marshall-Lieutenant Gen. General GM Major-General Gren. Grenadier |
Huss. Hussar Regt. Inf. Infantry Ltn.-Col. Lieutenant-Colonel
Maj. Major Regt. Regiment Squad. Squadroon |
Commander: FML Count Heinrich Bellegarde
Chief of Staff: GM Franz Richter v. Bienenthal
Chief of Artillery: GM Josef v. Smola
Chief of Genie: GM Josef v. Benczur
I. Active (Field) Army
1. FML Marquis Hannibal Sommariva
Brigade GM Aaron v. Stanissavljevich
2nd Szekler Frontier Regt. Nr. 15, 1 Batl.
2nd Walachian Frontier Regt. Nr. 17, 1 Batl.
Inf. Regt. Hohenlohe-Bartenstein Nr. 26, 1 Batl.
Inf. Regt. Lindenau Nr. 29, 3 Batl.
Stipsics Huss. Nr. 10, 1 Squad.
Division FML Franz Fenner v. Fenneberg
Brigade GM Max v. Paumgarten
Jäger Batl. Nr. 4
Hohenzollern Chevaulegers Nr. 2, 6 Squad.
Stipsics Huss. Nr. 10, 3 Squad.
Brigade GM Georg Freiherr v. Suden
Inf. Regt. Duka Nr. 39, 3 Batl.
Brigade GM Franz Freiherr v. Abele
Inf. Regt. Alois Liechtenstein Nr. 12, 3 Batl.
2. FML Paul v. Radivojevich
Brigade GM Josef Freiherr Bogdan v. Sturmbruck
Jäger Batl. Nr. 11
Inf. Regt. Deutschmeister Nr. 4, 4 Batl.
Inf. Regt. Beaulieu Nr. 58, 3 Batl.
Frimont Huss. Nr. 9, 8 Squad.
Brigade GM Josef Steffanini de Monte Airone
Jäger Batl. Nr. 10
Warasdiner Kreutzer Frontier Regt. Nr. 5, 1 Batl.
Merveldt Uhlans Nr. 1, 6 Squad.
Brigade GM Count August Becsey v. Hajnacskeö
Inf. Regt. Chasteler Nr. 27, 4 Batl.
Karl Ludwig Uhlans Nr. 3, 6 Squad.
3. Reserve
Division FML Franz Freiherr v. Pflacher
Brigade GM Albert de Best
Inf. Regt. Erzherzog Karl Nr. 3, 4 Batl.
Inf. Regt. Kerpen Nr. 49, 4 Batl.
Division FML Franz Freiherr v. Merville
Grenadier Brigade GM Josef Freiherr v. Stutterheim
Batl. Maj. Count Karl Welpsberg, Division 16, 26, 27
Batl. Ltn.-Col. Anton Chimani v. Mannsberg, Division 53, 61, 62
Batl. Ltn.-Col. Alois Faber v. Weinau, Division 48, 52
Batl. Maj. Josef Freiherr Purcelle de Roreston, Division 31, 51
Batl. Ltn.-Col. Stanislaus de Best, Division 3, 4, 63
Cavalry Brigade GM Georg Freiherr v. Wrede
Hohenlohe Drag. Nr. 2, 6 Squad.
Savoyen Drag. Nr. 5, 6 Squad.
3. GM Count Laval Nugent
Brigade GM Count Anton Starhemberg
Inf. Regt. Benjovszky Nr. 31, 2 Batl.
Warasdiner Kreutzer Frontier Regt. Nr. 5, 1 Batl.
Jäger Batl. Nr. 8
Istrianer Landwehr, 1 Batl. [Militia, TH]
Italian Freikorps, 1 Batl. [Volunteers, TH]
Radetzky Huss. Nr. ?, 8 Squad.
Brigade GM Karl Gober
Inf. Regt. Lusignan Nr. 16, 1 Batl.
Inf. Regt. Erzherzog Franz Karl Nr. 52, 3 Batl.
Erzherzog Karl Landwehr Nr. 3, 1 Batl. [Militia, TH]
II. Blockade-Truppen: FML Anton Ritter
Mayer v. Heldensfeld
Brigade GM Franz v. Blasits
Inf. Regt. Herzog v. Württemberg Nr. 40, 1 Batl.
Inf. Regt. Hohenlohe-Bartenstein Nr. 26, 1 Batl.
2nd Szekler Frontier Regt. Nr. 15, 1 Batl.
Stipsizc Huss. Nr. 10, 2 Squad.
Division FML Johann Ritter v. Gramont
Brigade GM Ludwig v. Ekhardt
Inf. Regt. Bianchi Nr. 63, 3 Batl.
GradiskanerFrontier Regt. Nr. 8, 1 Batl.
Frimont Huss. Nr. 9, 4 Squad.
Brigade GM v. Raban Freiherr v. Spiegel
Inf. Regt. Lusignan Nr. 16, 3 Batl.
Otocaner Frontier Regt. Nr. 2, 1 Batl.
Radetzky Huss. Nr. 5, 4 Squad.
Division FML Franz v. Marziani
Brigade GM Wenzel Freiherr v. Wattlet
Inf. Regt. Reisky Nr. 10, 4 Batl.
Jäger Batl. Nr. 9
Hohenlohe Drag. Nr. 2, 2 Squad.
Brigade GM Timotheus v. Winzian
Inf. Regt. Splenyi Nr. 51, 3 Batl.
Inf. Regt. Wacquant Nr. 62, 1 Batl.
Brigade Col. Raimund Freiherr v. Eberl (until
8th February: GM Karl Quosdanovich, wounded in the Battle at the
Mincio river)
Inf. Regt. Coburg Nr. 22, 3 Batl.
Inf. Regt. St. Julien Nr. 61, 2 Batl.
Brigade GM Josef Ritter v. Fölseis
Broder Frontier Regt. Nr. 7, 1 Batl.
Deutsch-Banater Frontier Regt. Nr. 12, 2 Batl.
Alois Liechtenstein Landwehr, 1 Batl. [Militia. TH]
Stipsizs Huss. Nr. 10, 2 Squad.
Division FML Peter Ritter Marschall v.
Brigade GM Ferdinand Pulszky v. Csefalva
Oguliner Frontier Regt. Nr. 3, 1 Batl.
Deutschmeister Landwehr Nr. 4, 1 Batl. [Militia. TH]
Kerpen Landwehr Nr. 49, 1 Batl. [Militia. TH]
Stipsics Huss. Nr. 10, 2 Squad.
Brigade GM Josef Ritter v. Mayer
Inf. Regt. Lindenau Nr. 29, 1 Batl.
Inf. Regt. Württemberg Nr. 40, 1 Batl.
St. Georger Frontier Regt. Nr. 6, 1 Batl.
Gradiskaner Frontier Regt. Nr. 8, 1 Batl.
2nd Banat Frontier Regt. Nr. 11, 1 Batl.
Stipsics Huss. Nr. 10, 2 Squad.
Brigade GM August Freiherr Csivich v. Rohr
Szluiner Frontier Regt. Nr. 4, 1 Batl.
Peterwardeiner Frontier Regt. Nr. 9, 1 Batl.
Lusignan Landwehr Nr. 16, 1 Batl. [Militia. TH]
Hohenlohe-Bartenstein Landwehr Nr. 26, 1 Batl. [Militia. TH]
Chasteler Landwehr Nr. 27, 1 Batl. [Militia. TH]
Hungarian "Insurrektions" Cavalry, 3 Squad.
Brigade GM Franz Ritter v. Tomassich
Liccaner Frontier Regt. Nr. 1, 2 Batl.
2nd Banat Frontier Regt. Nr. 11, 1 Batl.
Vanderial Huss., 1 Squad. [probably Hungarian "Insurrektions" Cavalry. TH]
Total: 101 Batl. / 70 Squad. (ca. 70.000 men)